About me

University of Oregon graduate from the Lundquist College of Business with a degree concentration in Entrepreneurship. I also earned a minor in Writing, Public Speaking, and Critical Reasoning. Huge Football fan. Friends are very important to me.

I am a go getter. I seek out challenges in my life and apply the lessons that I learn to become a stronger individual in all that I do. My work experience thus far has been far from business related, but I plan to take all of the skills that I have learned through fighting wild fires and use them to be an innovative entrepreneur. I know how to be a leader, and when it is more effective to sit back and follow the advice of others. I can think critically on the fly, even when faced with daunting and difficult tasks (like putting out a brush fire racing toward a block of homes). These are things one can only learn through facing them firsthand, and I know that I have an invaluable skillset to propel me through life. I love helping people to be happy, and can facilitate the needs of others very well. I don’t have enemies, and my friends are always there for me, as I am for them. My life is fun and I like to live it up with the people that I love whenever I can. Myself in three words: adaptable, social, and active.


Here is where I grew up... I know, it’s beautiful right? 

Ashland, Oregon will forever be a place I call home, no matter where life's adventures may take me. This place has helped shape me into the person I am today, and honestly I can’t imagine having grown up anywhere else. For those that have never been, just know that this place is truly special and is filled with some of the kindest and most open minded people you will ever meet.

What I Do

Stay Structured... Or Go Wild

For the last five years, while others enjoy their long awaited Summer breaks back at home or on the beach, I have spent my days battling wild fires in the extreme conditions of Southern Oregon. Here is a collection of the things that I see everyday out on the fire line.

The Fun Times

When I’m not working in the Summers, I am all about getting out there (wherever that may be) with my friends and finding adventure. Oh, and music I love music. So here is a quick collection of what I do in my spare time.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Life With Another

I have been blessed in life to have found my partner in crime. A girl who pushes me to the brink of my potential, and then falls forward with me to find that was just the tip of the iceberg. The deeper we explore, the more we discover about ourselves and each other. We are truly an unstoppable force.


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